Here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors, we provide specialist support with sympathy and sensitivity for General and Lasting Powers of Attorney as well as Court of Protection applications. Mental capacity is something that can have a big impact on your legal and financial affairs, as well as your personal welfare, but we can help you stay in control, with our services, here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Ordinary powers of attorney will no longer be valid if the donor loses mental capacity. But thanks to the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Lasting Powers of Attorney have been in force since 2007.

There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney:

  • Property and Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney- this allows an individual or persons to be appointed to manage the affairs of the appointer, in the event that they lose capacity. This is also known as an LPA for financial decisions.
  • Health and Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney- this allows an individual or persons to be appointed to make welfare decisions on the appointers behalf, only after losing mental capacity.

Here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors, our professional team can create either one of both of these Lasting Powers of Attorney for a fixed fee service.

We can also provide support and assistance to the attorney if it becomes necessary for them to act under the Lasting Power of Attorney.

Enduring Powers of Attorney

Enduring Powers of Attorney executed prior to the 1 October 2007 are also still valid. We can help registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney, and provide related advice. We can also provide advice about replacing this with Lasting Powers of Attorney instead.

Court of Protection Applications

We provide dedicated support for Court of Protection Applications too, here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors. Our full service includes applications:

  • To be appointed as a deputy under a Deputyship Order, necessary where a person has not created a valid Lasting Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Applications for the approval of gifts to be made by an attorney
  • Applications for a statutory Will.

We will prepare the complex applications and can also provide assistance and advice to the deputy in filing the annual deputyship report and to act under the Deputyship Order.

We care about our clients here at Gadsden Coupe Solicitors. So for team you can rely on for protected legal support for your future, get in touch today.

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